How to Make Poseable Eyes

If you have made a few clipart characters, you may be looking for ways you can speed up time and also be more flexible with the characters you create. For more information about drawing faces see here – How to…
If you have made a few clipart characters, you may be looking for ways you can speed up time and also be more flexible with the characters you create. For more information about drawing faces see here – How to…
The aim of DYO Clipart templates is to give you the framework to create your own characters. One of the keys to this is the face and in this tutorial we’ll look at how to draw your own faces to…
Depending on the template, you can make quick tweaks to change the pose quite significantly. For example, in this example, we’ve rotated one of the arms so instead of the image portraying a young student concentrating, we’re looking at perhaps…
There are many ways to finish the legs of your characters. Of course, you can follow the template exactly, however with just a couple of tweaks, you can create shorts, skirts, boots and more! If you are new to DYO…
Hopefully you are happy with your first DYO Clipart character. If not, don’t worry, just create a new file and do it again. There’s no doubt about it that the more you do, the quicker you become – and less…
Having set the file up ready to create the clipart it’s time to start tracing! In this very first project, I suggest tracing the template exactly as it is shown so you can get familiar with how it works, and…
Now we are going to create the color image. We’ll do this exactly the same way as we did the white image, but this time fill the shapes with color. If you are unsure about skintone colors, you are welcome…
Welcome to DYO Clipart templates! In this tutorial we’re going to look at how to import your DYO Clipart template into Procreate. If you are using a different drawing app, the process will be similar, but you may need to…
It’s really super easy to change the expressions on your clipart and this is a great way to make clipart for multiple uses from one base character. To change the expressions it’s just a case of adding a new layer…
We are going to look at how to use DYO Clipart templates to create pieces of unique clipart. In this tutorial we’re using the Procreate app for iPads. However, any drawing app for iPad or Android devices will work well.…